100 |
___Chh - Records.__ |
^ four |
desiring or Assistce wth ^ other Chhs to sit in |
Council on ye 12th Instant. |
Voted Compliance with ye Request yrin |
Voted yt One Delegate go upon this Occa- |
^ noted yt it |
sion __ [ two members desird it might be ^ “for |
was |
Special Reason on this particular Occasion”] |
Voted, yt Brother Baker be ye Represen- |
^ Brethn |
tative of ye Chh at ye proposd Council. ____ |
The Chh were dismissd wth ye Blessing (as |
is ye Custom Constantly, whether it be recorded |
or no.) _____ |
24. David, of David & Lydia Batherick bapt. |
Decr 15. Stephen, of Benj. & Martha Fay bapt. by |
the Rev. Mr Hutchinson of Grafton. |
1755 |
March 9. The Lords Supper was administred. |
_____ 16. Persis, of Moses and Persis Warrin bapt. |
Chh Meetg |
_____ 27. The Chh met upon ye Affair of |
to choose |
electing one or more Deacons. ______ |
Deacons. |
After opening ye Meeting by So- |
lemn prayer; & reading Acts 6. 1__7 and |
1 Tim. 3. 8__14. wc were ^ briefly Explaind, & ye Occasion |
origl Institution, the Work and ye Qualifns |
of Deacons, from thence briefly exhibited, |
the Chh Voted to proceed to ye Choice of |
a Deacon in ye room of ye late Deacon |
Newton, deceasd. And (by written votes) |
Brr Nathl Whitney was chosen |
Then Voted to proceed to ye Choice of |
another Deacon ___ and (after several |
Tryals) it appeard that Brr Jonathan |
Bond was chosen. |
The meeting was adjournd to this |
Day fortnight, one p.m. ye same place. |
___ were dismissd wth prayr & Blessing. |
Apr. |