Records.__ |
3. |
This Day likewise the Sacrament was Celebra |
Sacrt |
:ted among us. |
Sept. 19. Mary, Dau’ter of Ebenezer & |
Mary Parkman, was Baptized. |
October 3. John Fay Junr & Hannah his Wife |
with humble Confessions and Humiliations for ye |
Breach of ye 7th Commandment were admitted in |
:to or Communion. & Jonathan their Son & Eliz |
:abeth their Dau’ter were Baptized. |
And |
John Pratt Junr Nathan Ball & Mary his Wife, |
and Martha Thurston were also received into |
or Communion. _______ |
October 17 Hannah ye wife of Edmund Rice be |
:ing recommended and Dismissd to us ^ was admitted |
^by W. Sudbury |
into or Communion. |
Chh |
This Day was the Sacrament admi: |
Sacrt |
:nistred unto us. ___ To day likewise, Isaac Shat- |
:tuck and Mary his Wife Confess’d publickly |
their Violation of ye Seventh Commandment, ownd |
the Covenant (or were Confirmd) and Sibyll yeir |
Daughter was Baptized.______ |
November 28. The Lords Supper was ad |
Sacrt |
:ministred to us. |
This Day also Eleazar and |
1725 |
Increase Ward, Sons of Increase Ward, |
were Baptized ____________ |
Novemb: 21. Rebecca Byles was admitted |
into our Communion. |
February. 20. Daniel, Son of David & Din: |
1726. |
:ah Goodenough, was Baptized.____ |
27. The Sacrament was Solem |
Sacrt |
:nized. _________ |
March 20. Jason Badcock being pre= |
:sented by Joseph Wheeler, was baptizd |
April: 3. Simon Tainter was added |
to our Fellowship.__ ye 10th Day was or Sacramt |
Sacrt |
20. Mary, ye Dauter of Josiah |
& Elizabeth Newton was Baptized._____ |
Maye |
9 |