
    ____Chh- Records.__

    March 26. Margaret, of Ebenr & Hannah Miller,

    & Anne, of Hanh & Abigail Parker, bapt.

    April 9. The Desire of Ezekiel Smith

    and Ruth, his Wife, was laid before ye

    Chh, that they might be dismissd, in

    order to their joining with, a Society

    of Christians in Henneker in the

    Province of New Hampshire, who

    are designing to join together, to be

    erected into a Chh of Christ in gospel

    Form; & was voted; & that they be re-

    commended accordingly.

    16. Bulah, of James & Eliz. Miller, bapt.

    23. Rachel, of Constan. & Jemima Hardy, bapt.


    30. The Lords Supper administd

    Mary, of Adonijah & Hannah Rice, bapt.

    _May 7. Hannah of Benj. & Hannah Tainter, &

    Priscilla, of Isaac & Abigl Miller, bapt.

    ======The Chh were stayd __ & ye Pastor ac-

    quainted ym wth ye Fasts wc ye Revd As-

    sociation have kept on acct of the

    public Troubles, (they having turnd their

    meetings into Fasts for some time) and yt yy

    have appointed one to be here, on ye 3d

    Wednesday of this instant; He wd there-

    fore invite ye Chh to join wth ye Assocn

    in it, as the Cause for such Humilln &c is

    increased. It being offerd to ye Chh

    it was voted unanimously.

    ____ 14. The Congregation were in-

    formd of ye above & by Silential Vote

    consented to keep next Wednesday a Fast.

    ____ Anna, of Edmd & Ruth Chamberlain, bapt.

    __ 17. was observd as a Day of Fasting &

    ^ on Jer.7.1__7 Prayer: Rev. Mr Smith preachd a.m. ^ Rev. Mr
