146. |
____Chh- Records.__ |
March 26. Margaret, of Ebenr & Hannah Miller, |
& Anne, of Hanh & Abigail Parker, bapt. |
April 9. The Desire of Ezekiel Smith |
and Ruth, his Wife, was laid before ye |
Chh, that they might be dismissd, in |
order to their joining with, a Society |
of Christians in Henneker in the |
Province of New Hampshire, who |
are designing to join together, to be |
erected into a Chh of Christ in gospel |
Form; & was voted; & that they be re- |
commended accordingly. |
16. Bulah, of James & Eliz. Miller, bapt. |
23. Rachel, of Constan. & Jemima Hardy, bapt. |
Sacrt |
30. The Lords Supper administd |
Mary, of Adonijah & Hannah Rice, bapt. |
_May 7. Hannah of Benj. & Hannah Tainter, & |
Priscilla, of Isaac & Abigl Miller, bapt. |
======The Chh were stayd __ & ye Pastor ac- |
quainted ym wth ye Fasts wc ye Revd As- |
sociation have kept on acct of the |
public Troubles, (they having turnd their |
meetings into Fasts for some time) and yt yy |
have appointed one to be here, on ye 3d |
Wednesday of this instant; He wd there- |
fore invite ye Chh to join wth ye Assocn |
in it, as the Cause for such Humilln &c is |
increased. It being offerd to ye Chh |
it was voted unanimously. |
____ 14. The Congregation were in- |
formd of ye above & by Silential Vote |
consented to keep next Wednesday a Fast. |
____ Anna, of Edmd & Ruth Chamberlain, bapt. |
__ 17. was observd as a Day of Fasting & |
^ on Jer.7.1__7 Prayer: Rev. Mr Smith preachd a.m. ^ Rev. Mr |
Stone |