_Chh – Records. |
165 |
Feb. 27. The Chh met by adjt ___ |
Chh Meetg |
The Meeting was opend by Prayer. |
Upon ye Affair of Mr. Saml Fay, |
Report was made, that ye Pastor & two |
Brethren went to Brr Fay’s: but he was |
from home, & tho waited for, did not come |
[NB. No previous Notice was Sent, because |
it was designd only as a Personal Visit.] |
The Chh voted to Send anor Commtee |
to Brr Saml Fay to acquaint him yt |
the Ansr which he returnd by ye former |
Commtee as the Reason why he absented |
himself from ye public Worhsip & ye Ad- |
ministration of ye Special Ordces was |
not Satisfactory; and that if he could |
give no other Satisfaction to ye Chh |
they must be obligd to proceed to admo- |
nish him. |
That the No be three. |
That Capt. Brigham __ Brr Belknap, and |
Capt. Benj. Fay, be the persons. |
== The Petition of ye Eleven was read |
again. The Pastor, for various Reasons |
requested it might be dropt. Sundry |
members desird it might be dismissd. |
but it cd not be obtaind ___ |
A proposal was made by one of ye prin- |
cipal of ye Petitioners yt ye End & Design |
of it might be Endeavourd without any |
reference to ye Convention-Piece, or Assocn |
namely, by way of Resolves __ |
=== A Request of Mrs Susanna Harrington |
(wife of Eli) to be admitted to or Communn |
as a member of ye Chh in Bolton of wch |
Rev. Mr Walley is Pastor __ when this |
Request was movd to the ^ Pastor acquaint- |
^ Bre- |
ed ye Chh that if he administerd to her, |
thren, |
it |
the |