_Chh - Records. |
103 |
Aug. 25. 1755. The Chh met (having been |
Chh Meetg |
timely warnd) to hear a Complaint Signed |
on ye Affair |
by Ebenr Chamberlin & Mary (Wife of Itha- |
of Sister |
mar) Bellows, and bearing Date July 18 last, |
Judith |
against Judith (wife of Jonathan) Bellows, |
Bellows. |
all of them members of this Chh. Setting forth |
in substance, yt ye sd Judith hath walked |
very Disorderly & Contrary to ye Rules of the |
Gospel __ In particular, respecting her Daûter |
Comfort, who had Confessd her taking away |
certainThings from a Nr feloniously |
& yt her Mother wd not let her return sd |
Things wn She would have done it: & yt sd Com- |
fort also declard her Mother had burnt ym |
further |
The complaint exhibited also yt sd Judith |
was guilty of False speaking about |
those things ____ &c. After Prayr the |
Complaint was read, & ye Partys respectively, & the |
were fully heard __ ye Chh voted, |
witnesses, |
1. respecting ye first part of ye Complaint, |
yt altho we cannot Say She is guilty of |
Burning the Things referrd to in ye Com- |
-plaint, yet we find upon all yt has been |
Said, that She has Conducted in a very |
Evil manr respecting her Daûter undr her |
guilt; and in that whole Affair respecting |
Said Things. & |
2. Voted, as to the Second part of ye Complaint, |
namely, her False speaking, that it is |
Supported. |
This was voted universally. |
The pastor read these votes to Sd Sister Judith, |
& Solemnly laid the Evil before her, & Call’d |
her to Repce __ Then ye meeting concluded |
with Prayer, & the Blessing. _____________ |
Aug: |