108. |
___Chh - Records.___ |
May 8. Abagail, of David junr & Ann Maynard, bapt. |
Sacrt |
June 5. The Lords Supper administrd & |
Ebenr of Jabez & Kezia Snow, bapt __ |
19. Stephen, of John & Ruth Belknap, |
members of ye Chh in Southborò, was baptizd |
on the right of the Mother (expressly). |
and Frederick, of Joshua & Abigail Lock, |
was baptized also, on ye Mothers Right. |
Sacrt |
July 17. The Lords Supper administd |
^ & a Letter |
from aggrievd |
___ 24. Josiah-Wood, of Benj. & Hannah Tainter, bapt. ^: |
Brn in ye Chh |
of Leominster |
___ 31. Thomas, of Thos & Susanna Twitchel, bapt. |
read- & left |
to Considern__ |
Aug 21. Danl of Danl & Abigl Adams, bapt. |
by Rev Mr Martyn |
Sacrt |
28. The Lords supper administd |
Pm. Joseph Bowman was baptizd and was |
admitted into Chh Fellowship. & |
Joseph & Mary, Twins of Gershom & Mary |
Brigham were baptizd _____ |
Sept. 25. The Chh was Stayd and ye Pastor |
consulted the Brethren about ye Affair of his |
going to preach at Cumberland, ye 3d Sabbath |
in October, by wc his own Pulpit must be vacant. |
A Vote was put, and it passd in ye affirm. |
Sacrt |
Oct. 9. The Lords Supper was administd |
Nov. 6. The Chh was detaind on the |
Acct of Brr Nathl Whitneys failing |
to attend the Council on the Affair of ye |
Chh at Leominster, he being out of |
Health. The Chh voted |
1. to Send another Delegate in his room. |
2. Deacon Jonathan Bond to be ye Pson. |
At this time also the Desire of or Brethren |
Nathan Ball & Jacob Rice, & or Sisters |
Mary Ball & Hannah Rice, yeir Wives, were |
^: This day (July 24) The Chh was stayd to act |
dismissd |
upon ye Letter from Leominster. Complyance Voted. |
Voted 2 Delegates. Justice Baker one. Br. Nathl Whitney ye other. |