Records.___ |
65. |
March 6. The Sacrt administred. |
Sacrt |
27. Sarah, of Ebenr and |
Hannah Parkman |
bapt. |
and Lucy, of Beriah & Mary Rice |
Apr. 3. Grace, of Jonath: & Abig. Livermore |
Lucy, of Thos & Lydia Warrin |
Amos, of Jacob & Hannah Rice |
Nathaniel, of Thomas & Sarah Billing |
bapt. |
Hannah of Jesse & Phebe Maynard |
William, of Timothy & Lydia Fay |
Hannah, of William & Mary Caruth. |
NB This administern to ^ theabove mentiond seven was |
at ye House of Mr Nathl Oake (where ye publick As |
=sembly ^ was Commonly held) But this not before |
^ of that |
I had laid it before the Chh & Congregn of ye |
Corner of |
Town, and obtaind their Concurrence; nor was it |
ye Town |
till I had stopd ye Chh members of ye North side |
of ye Town to make Enquiry into their Meeting |
by themselves ^ and known of ym that the Reasons |
^ that I |
of their so doing were not from Negligence, Dis |
might be |
:gust &c but because of yeir inconvenient Distance |
certifyd of |
& Difficulty of yeir & their Childrens Travelling to |
the true |
ye meeting House; nor till it was known what faithfss |
Cause, and |
yy had used in improveg ye Means of public Instruction |
also the |
among them, & Dispensation of ye Pure & holy Gos |
Manner |
:pel of Jesus Cht. Yet it was intimated to ym yt ye |
yrof |
Chh ought to have expected some Word Concerng |
their Absence, and yt ye Neglect yrof was undoubtedly |
a breach of Chh Order; inasmuch as by or Chh Covt |
We must |
we are expressly bound to hold Communion in the |
maintain |
word & Sacraments. Unto wc ye Brethern manifested yeir |
Chh Fellow |
Concurrence; as well as yt yy Desird ^ to approve yms. Gs |
:ship & |
Covt |
^ & purposd |