_Chh - Records.__


    Voted Complyance wth ye Request.

    _______ yt yre shd be Two Delegates.

    ______ yt Brother ^ Baker be ye first, &

    (^ Edwd)

    _____ yt Brr ^ Whitney be ye other.

    ^ Nathl

    July 15. The Lords Supper Administred.


    & Jonathan, of Jonas & Lydia Warrin, bapt.

    Aug. 5. Antipas, of Jonas & Persis Brigham, bapt.

    12. Nathan, of Bezaleel & S. Smith, & (ye Same Day)

    Elijah, of Elijah & Sarah Rice, bapt.

    _ 26. Administred ye holy ordinance of ye Lords Supper.


    Sept. 2. Seth, of Gershom & Mary Brigham, bapt.

    _____ 22. Jonas Twitchel having ownd ye Covt at Sherbourn

    and his wife being a member of ye Chh in Watertown

    their Child Lydia, was baptizd.  and

    Joanna, the wife of Jonathan Fay having ownd

    the Covt at Southboro, their son John was baptizd.

    Oct. 14. The Lds Supper administred __ &


    __ Eunice, of Cornel. & Mary Biglo, baptizd.

    Nov. 4.  Hephzibah, the wife of Benj.

    Whipple, heretofore Hephzibah Crosby, was

    dismissd to the Chh of Christ in Hardwick.

    15. The Chh met upon occasion of the


    Affair of Robt Cook.  The meeting was opend

    on Affair

    by prayr  but by reason of ye fewness of the

    of Rob. Cook.

    members present, & Several witnesses wc ^said Cook

    had dependce upon in his Defence, did not come,

    the Meeting was adjournd to next Monday, 2 o’Clock

    p.m. ___ & Prayr and Blessing concluded _____

    19.  The Chh met by adjournmt on ye Affair of Rob.

    Cook.  The meeting was opend wth prayer.  Sd Robt

    Cook & his wife there, & very solemnly professd their

    Innocence. Several Testimonys ^ were read ___ Several

    ^ of women

    also yt were present were interrogated ___ particly the
