_Chh - Records.__ |
87. |
Voted Complyance wth ye Request. |
_______ yt yre shd be Two Delegates. |
______ yt Brother ^ Baker be ye first, & |
(^ Edwd) |
_____ yt Brr ^ Whitney be ye other. |
^ Nathl |
July 15. The Lords Supper Administred. |
Sacrt |
& Jonathan, of Jonas & Lydia Warrin, bapt. |
Aug. 5. Antipas, of Jonas & Persis Brigham, bapt. |
12. Nathan, of Bezaleel & S. Smith, & (ye Same Day) |
Elijah, of Elijah & Sarah Rice, bapt. |
_ 26. Administred ye holy ordinance of ye Lords Supper. |
Sacrt |
Sept. 2. Seth, of Gershom & Mary Brigham, bapt. |
_____ 22. Jonas Twitchel having ownd ye Covt at Sherbourn |
and his wife being a member of ye Chh in Watertown |
their Child Lydia, was baptizd. and |
Joanna, the wife of Jonathan Fay having ownd |
the Covt at Southboro, their son John was baptizd. |
Oct. 14. The Lds Supper administred __ & |
Sacrt |
__ Eunice, of Cornel. & Mary Biglo, baptizd. |
Nov. 4. Hephzibah, the wife of Benj. |
Whipple, heretofore Hephzibah Crosby, was |
dismissd to the Chh of Christ in Hardwick. |
15. The Chh met upon occasion of the |
Chh-Meet |
Affair of Robt Cook. The meeting was opend |
on Affair |
by prayr but by reason of ye fewness of the |
of Rob. Cook. |
members present, & Several witnesses wc ^said Cook |
had dependce upon in his Defence, did not come, |
the Meeting was adjournd to next Monday, 2 o’Clock |
p.m. ___ & Prayr and Blessing concluded _____ |
19. The Chh met by adjournmt on ye Affair of Rob. |
Cook. The meeting was opend wth prayer. Sd Robt |
Cook & his wife there, & very solemnly professd their |
Innocence. Several Testimonys ^ were read ___ Several |
^ of women |
also yt were present were interrogated ___ particly the |
midwife |