3 Voted to adjourn the meeting to the next Lecture |
preparatory. to our next communion …. |
August 8 Lords Day after the exercises the Church tarr |
ied and heard Brother Jonathan Forbes’s |
answer in the negative to the Churches |
invitation to him to accept the Office |
of Deacon in this Church . _____ |
August 11 |
The Church tarried after Lecture and |
having riceivd Brother Jonathan Forbes’s |
answer in the negative to the Churches |
invitation to him to accept the Office |
of Deacon in this Church after the exercises |
on the Lords Day last Lords Day: now Voted |
agreeably the meeting being opend by |
prayer by the Pastor to proceed to the |
choice of a Deaon |
And Brother Edmund Brigham was |
chosen _ ____ ___ |
_______ |
But upon his motion the Church |
allowed him time to take the matter |
into serious consideration and then Voted |
that the meeting be dissolved. __ |
Novr 4 |
The Church tarried after divine service and |
were informed by the Pastor verbally |
upon the desire of Brother Edmund Bri |
gham that he had concluded to accept |
the office of a Deacon in this Church. |
And he was accordingly diclard to |
1791 |
be a Deacon in this Church. |
May 22 |
The Church tarried after divine service |
and a Letter wa was read from the Church |
in Southborough requesting assistance |
in the seperation of Mr Samuel Sumner |
their Pastor elect to the work of the |
Ministry in that place. _____ |
1 Voted compliance |
2 Voted to send four Delegates |
3 Voted that Deacon Wood, Brother Abijah |