_Chh- Records._____


    March 20. The Lords Supper was administrd


    27. Phebe, of James & Mary Bowman, bapt.

    Apr. 10. Ruth, of Danl & Rebecca Stockwell, &

    Molly, & James, of James & Mary Godfrey, baptizd.

    24. Eli Harrington ^was admitted into ye Chh.

    May 1. The Lords supper was administd


    Elizabeth, of Nehemiah & Dorothy Maynd

    (wc latter had ownd ye Covt at Northboro,) bapt.

    8. Eunice, of Abijah & Susanna Gale, bapt.

    June 12. The Lords Supper was administd


    & Rachel Hide (lately Rachel Fay,

    now wife of Noah Hide) made a professn

    of Religion, owning ye Covt and was baptizd.

    19. Lucy, of Elijah & Martha Hardy - &

    Aaron, of Nathan & Sarah Townsend, baptd

    26. The Town at their late Meeting on ye 20th

    instt agreed yt on Considn of ye Grt & Distressg

    Troubles of ye present Day; Boston Harbour

    in Special blockd up &c. Next Thursday be

    observd as a Day of Fasting & Prayr __ We

    were earnestly Exhorted to do or utmost to

    keep such a Fast as ye L. has chosen. He yt

    observeth a Day must Observe it to ye Lord.

    30. Was observd as a Day of Fasting & Prayr

    by ye Chh & Congregn in Westb. The Pastor

    began wth Prayr & Rev. Mr Stone of Southb.

    preachd on Deut. 29.24.25. “Even all na-

    tions shall say” &c.  p.m. he prayd & ye Pastor

    preachd on 2 Chron. 14. 9. “And Asa cried un-

    to ye L. &c.  May ye L.  pardon ye Sins of our

    holy Things, graciously hear or humble Addresses

    & bless His word to us for or highest Benefit!

    July 10. Joèl, Eleazer & Ruth, of Na-

    than & Abigail Kenny, were bapt. by Revd
