


    Matrimony . ___

    1. Receive the Certificat, Sign’d by the

    Town Clark.

    2. Ask whether ^ there is any Testimony any ob

    ^ what yy

    :jection against proceeding? none Appear



    is by ye

    3. Speak in Some such manner as This;


    “ Inasmuch as all Relations are Sanc

    of their

    :tifyed by the word and Prayer, let us


    humbly & devoutly look up to God for

    And whe-

    his Presence and Blessing in the Affair


    before us.” ___


    4. The Prayer ended Say to the Man,

    “ Take this Woman by the Right Hand

    N. You take this person to be your wedded

    Wife: & you promise and Covenant before

    God and these Witnesses to live together ac

    :cording to the Precepts of Christ in the holy

    State ^ of Marriage: to love her, to maintain

    ^ & Relation

    honour and Comfort her in all Circumstances

    & Conditions to perform (by ye Divine assistance)

    all the Duties of this Relation behaving yr Self

    Soberly; & forsaking all others to cleave only un

    =to her, approving yr S. a loving & faithfull Hus

    :band till God shall Separate you by Death.” ___

    To which there Shall be a Consent manifested. & yn

    Address the Woman “Take this Man by ye Right Hand

    N. You take this Person to be yr wedded husband

    & you promise and Covenant before God & these Wit

    :nesses to live together according to ye Precepts of ye

    Gospel in ye holy State ^ of marriage, to obey him,

    ^ & Relation

    to Love honour and Comfort him: in all Circumstances

    & Conditions to perform (by ye aids of Grace) all ye Duties

    of this Relation behaving yrSelf Soberly; & forsaking

    all others to cleave only to him; approving yr Self

    an obedient and Loving, & faithfull Wife till

    God Shall Separate You by Death.”

    To which She Shall declare her consent. Upon wch Say

    “I do then, by the Authority committed to me, pronounce

    you husband & wife; according to Gods Holy Ordinance
