II. |
Solemnization |
of |
Matrimony . ___ |
1. Receive the Certificat, Sign’d by the |
Town Clark. |
2. Ask whether ^ there is any Testimony any ob |
^ what yy |
:jection against proceeding? none Appear |
propose |
=ing |
is by ye |
3. Speak in Some such manner as This; |
Consent |
“ Inasmuch as all Relations are Sanc |
of their |
:tifyed by the word and Prayer, let us |
Parents? |
humbly & devoutly look up to God for |
And whe- |
his Presence and Blessing in the Affair |
ther |
before us.” ___ |
########## |
4. The Prayer ended Say to the Man, |
“ Take this Woman by the Right Hand |
N. You take this person to be your wedded |
Wife: & you promise and Covenant before |
God and these Witnesses to live together ac |
:cording to the Precepts of Christ in the holy |
State ^ of Marriage: to love her, to maintain |
^ & Relation |
honour and Comfort her in all Circumstances |
& Conditions to perform (by ye Divine assistance) |
all the Duties of this Relation behaving yr Self |
Soberly; & forsaking all others to cleave only un |
=to her, approving yr S. a loving & faithfull Hus |
:band till God shall Separate you by Death.” ___ |
To which there Shall be a Consent manifested. & yn |
Address the Woman “Take this Man by ye Right Hand |
N. You take this Person to be yr wedded husband |
& you promise and Covenant before God & these Wit |
:nesses to live together according to ye Precepts of ye |
Gospel in ye holy State ^ of marriage, to obey him, |
^ & Relation |
to Love honour and Comfort him: in all Circumstances |
& Conditions to perform (by ye aids of Grace) all ye Duties |
of this Relation behaving yrSelf Soberly; & forsaking |
all others to cleave only to him; approving yr Self |
an obedient and Loving, & faithfull Wife till |
God Shall Separate You by Death.” |
To which She Shall declare her consent. Upon wch Say |
“I do then, by the Authority committed to me, pronounce |
you husband & wife; according to Gods Holy Ordinance |
and |