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Chh Records _______ |
Novr 28 The Lords Supper Administred |
by Mr Grosvenor of Grafton. & |
by him were Baptized - |
Samuel of Jos: & Ruth Harrington |
Elizabeth. of Danll Lydia Chamberlain |
and Anson of Stephen & Sarah Maynard |
================================================ |
The Chh being Together on the |
21 of Octr 1784 ____ |
Took under Consideration the |
Conduct of Br Samuel Fay who |
has Absented himself bothe from |
Public Worship, and Ordenances a |
very considerable part of the Time |
in years past. ___ And came into |
a Resolution of sending a Committee |
to converse with him on ye subject |
1 Voted the Committee consist of five |
viz Deacon Benja Wood |
Br Joseph Harrington |
Br Joseph Baker |
Deacon Jona Bond |
Br Eli Whitney __ be a Comittee |
for that purpose |