__Chh - Records. |
117 |
It was proposd to reconsider ye Vote aforesd |
(that ye No be two) ___ This ^ was Voted; & that |
the Chh is Satisfyd with Sending one |
Member on this Occasion. |
The meeting finished wth ye Blessing. |
Oct. 19. Stephen, of Benj. &Hannah, Tainter bapt. |
___ 26. Sarah, of Elijah & Sarah Rice, bapt. |
and Thomas Twitchell, Joseph Grout and |
Sarah his wife, and Rebecca Hardy, were |
admitted into full Communion wth this Chh. |
Likewise Eunice Cook, wife of Cornelius |
Cook was dismissd, & to be recommended |
to ye Second Chh of Christ in Wrentham. |
Nov. 2. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Joseph |
of Joseph & Sarah Grout |
Benjamin & were baptizd. |
William |
& Sarah, of Cornelius & Sarah Biglow, also. |
____ 16. Mellisent, of Sibyl, Bruce, baptized. |
^ Joseph & |
January 18. 1761, was baptized |
1761. |
Elias, of Ebr & Hannah Parkman. |
Feb. 22. Jeremiah, of Moses & Mary Twitchel, bapt. |
March 1. The Chh was Stopd, & ye Pastor |
acqted ym yt as to ye Differce there had been |
between him & Brr Saml Fay, it was so far |
brought to an End, yt yy had mutually given |
their Hands __ and now it remaind to see |
whether ye Chh wd restore him ^ to their Cha- |
^ (said |
rity & admitt him again to Special Ordces |
Brr Fay) |
After a short Space it was put to Vote, & |
it passd in ye affirmve by a majority of |
13 out of 24. But it was wt I could not |
but greatly wonder at; & fear ye Conseqce |
March |