and the Laws of this Province joined together

    and let no one put you asunder” ~___

    5. But now that you may obtain Grace from

    God to be Faithfull in Every respect one to

    the other & to demean your Selves in this Sa

    ^ & Relation

    [----] State ^ as becomes the Gospel Profes


    Let us Pray.  # # # # # # # # # #.

    NB. This was

    intended  to


    have preceed

    :ed ye Last Form

    The Baptismal Covenant.

    (vizt of ye Solemn

    of Matrimony.)

    You profess a Serious & Hearty Be-

    :lief of ye xtian Religion as contained in the

    Sacred Scriptures and as embraced by ye PP pf G.

    in this place; and repenting of wtever in you has

    been contrary thereunto in Time past you do

    now Solemnly give up your Self unto God in

    ye Lord Jesus Cht. according to his gracious Covt

    You give up your Self unto ye L. Jehovah, wo

    is ye Father, the Son & ye Holy Ghost as yr highest good & your

    only Portion: You give up yr Self unto ye Lord Jesus

    Christ (who is ye L. Jehovah) as yr only Mediatior

    & Redeemer, and receive Him as yr Prophet, Priest &

    King for ever: You engage & resolve yt by ye aids of

    Divine grace you will conform yr whole Lives to ye

    Rules & Precepts of his holy word. In Pursuance of wc

    Engagemt you freely Submitt to ye Laws of Chts Km

    as yy are administred among this his PP. promising

    herewithal yt you will wth all faithfss endeavour

    after those more Positive Evidences of yr Regenn as

    may encourage yr approach to ye holy Communn

    And hereby, in a word, you do now own & renew

    yr vow in Baptism in Person, wc yr Parents enterd

    into in yr Behalf