12. |
_Church___ |
End and Purpose, upon which we met |
was Express’d, namely, To See whether |
The Chh Had accepted of the Satisfac |
:tion and Reconciliation between or |
Brethren John McCollister and Josiah |
Newton (who, agreeable to the Desire |
of the Arbitrators, had met together & |
sd McColister hearing ye Judgmt of ye |
Arbitrs agreed, & Josiah Newton hum |
:bling hims. and asking forgiveness, sd |
McColister told him He accepted of |
^ & Brs Asher |
what was now ^now done & was Reconcild) ^ But yre |
Rice & New: |
Chh was not a willingness among many of |
:ton had rea |
ye Chh; and They could in no wise be Easy ex |
:dily complyd |
:cept the Reconciliation shd be (not |
also to leave |
only read in private, as sd McColister wd be con |
their Differ |
:tented with it) if it might Satisfie ye Church, |
:ence to |
but also) Openly Read before the Chh, as |
Two of ye |
a Chh. Newton not readily complying |
Same Arbi |
with that which he esteemd private’s be |
:trators & |
:ing publish’d, Severall were not a little |
wd bind yms. |
Disgusted & disturb’d So yt^ yy could by no |
to ye Result. |
means admit that Wt sd Newton had |
^ wn it had |
offered was Sufficient. Moreover, con |
been read |
:sidering this Matter had been ^ so much |
^ Not only |
spread abroad to ye great grievance & |
transacted |
offence of many; withall, considering |
wth so many |
that Br Collister could not be Easy upon |
persons, & |
any other Terms than the Chh’s accep- |
had been |
:tance of what had been done by them |
privately; For these Reasons The Chh |
^ wt were present, scil: |
that is ^ six against five, (There being but |
^ of 28 wthout |
Eleven ^ met together, (Except The Pastor, who |
ye Pastor to y Chh. |
refus’d to give his vote of either Side) |
^ late |
Voted That the ^ Proceedings of Josiah New |
:ton Should be brought under ye Cogni: |
^ dis- |
:zance of the Chh. __ Which being ^ patch’d |
another Affair namely respecting Samuel |
Hardy’s Enjoying Priviledges among us |
was mentioned; but, it growing late we. |
^ & appointed |
deferr’d it ^ And So recommending our |
another |
Selves to the Protection & Conduct, & all our Ad |
meeting. |
=minis= |