222 |
Chh Records |
Novr 21. Being the Sabbath, the Chs |
Tarry after the Services of the Day |
____ And adjourn sd Meeting of ye 22d |
Instant Four Weeks ______ |
Decr 19 The Chh Tarry after the |
Blessing on the Sabbath and Vote |
to adjourn said Meeting yet Longer |
three Weeks. viz to the 9 of Jany 1785 |
_______ |
Jany 9th the Chh Met According to |
Adjournment to hear the Report |
of the Aforesaid Committees _____ |
Accordingly. Then the first Committee |
proceeded to inform the Chh that they |
had been to see and Converse |
with Br Samuel Fay. and found in |
him as they thot some marks of |
Penetence ___ and say they think |
it probable he will make Christian |
satisfaction to this Chh for his |
Desorderly conduct in Absenting |
himself form Meeting & Ordenance |
engaged to be at this Meeting |
but sickness prevents ____ |