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Chh Records. . _____ |
April 7. 1785. Being a Day of |
Fasting and Prayer. __ After the |
Public Exercises. The Chh Tarry |
and Appoint a Meeting to be at ye |
Meeting House on ye 12 Instant at |
2 oClock P.M. agreeable to the request |
of Deacon James Hawes. for the purpose |
of hearing Rehearsed some Matter of |
Difficulty taken place between said |
Hawes and the Select Men of Westboro. |
in adjusting an a/c in favor of |
Adonijah Rice for whom ye Select Men |
were Agents.__ The Chh Convene at |
the Time appointed being ye 12 of Aprl |
1 Voted that the Selectmen Relate ovr |
what Transpired between them & D Hawes |
Br Seth Morse Observed first. that |
Adonijah Rice having furnished ye |
SelectMen with apower of Attorney |
(for ye purpose) they went to Settle some |
Matters of Interest in favor of said |
Rice Lodged in ye hand of Deac Hawes |
said Hawes Exhibited his account |
and Asked ye Selectmen how they. |