
    Chh - Records.


    had ownd ye Covenant at Framingham,


    Aug. 2.  The Lord’s Supper administred.

    ______ 16. Anna, of Saml Fay, bapt.

    Fast on

    23. The Chh was Stopd at Noon

    acct of ye

    Voted unanimously that Wednesday


    next be kept by us, by div. leave, as a Day

    of Fasting & prayr on Considern of ye div.

    Frowns in ye grievous Drought, wc

    we have long been under: to humble or

    selves under ye holy Dispensation of God

    towards his people __ to Supplicate Par-

    don, & to beg ye out-pouering of His holy

    Spirit upon us: and on Consideration

    of the present Favour of Heaven in the

    plentifull Rain now vouchsafd, to render

    hearty Thanks & praise to or most com-

    passionate God & Savr therefor.

    __ P.M. Asa of Danl & Abigl Adams, baptizd.

    NB. The above Vote of ye Chh was communi-

    (^ p.m.)

    cated to ye Assembly ^ who were invited and

    desird to join wth us in ye religs observg ye Fast

    thereby appointed. ____

    ==========26. Was observd as a Day of Fasting

    & Prayer, agreeable to ye Chh vote of ye 23.

    but in too imperfect a manr  May God gra-

    ciously overlook & pardon or Defects!

    and in His infinite Goodness Accept or hu-

    miliations & Addresses for Jesus Sake!


    Sept. 13. The Lords Supper was administred.


    Oct. 25. The Lords Supper was administred.

    Nov. 1. Benjamin, of Saml Junr & Rachel Hardy,

    the Said Rachel having ownd ye Covt at Marlb.

    (as Certifyd by Rev. Mr Smith), was baptizd.


    Decr 6. adminstd ye Lords Supper.
