74. |
__Chh- Records__ |
Sept. 1. Hannah, of Daniel & Martha Warrin |
________ Lydia of Richard junr & Eliz. Barns, bapt. |
________ Holland of Jotham & Abiel Maynard, |
____22. Mrs Eunice Cook presented another Child |
==== |
to Baptism, (her Husband being out of Frame & |
having gone for Some Time to other Meetings:) |
The Child was baptizd Solomon. |
__28. An Infant Child of Mr Thos Goodenow |
1745 |
was So Weak and nigh to Death, yt being earnest |
:ly requested, I baptizd it at his own House |
in ye presence of a Small Number of professing |
Chtians, among whom were Brr Ephm Allen and |
Matthias Rice. The Child was named, Aaron. |
Sacrt |
__ 29. The Lords Supper administred. |
Oct. 27. Phebe, of Josiah & Hasad: Bowker, bapt. |
Nov. 3. Susanna, of Eleaz. & Ruhamah Pratt, |
& Malachi, of Ebenr & Amy Maynard, bapt. |
^ The Sacrt |
__10 ^ Nehemiah, of Francis & Ab. Whipple |
of ye Lords |
& Jemima, of John & Jemimia Caruth bapt. |
Supper ad- |
17. Peter, of Josiah & Ruhamah Newton bapt. |
ministred. |
==== |
& 1746. |
January 12. Moses, of Bez: & Sarah Smith, bapt. |
Feb. 2. Bulah, of Stephen & Ruth Fay, |
_______ Mary of Joseph (junr) & Mary Green bapt. |
Sacrt March. 2. |
March. 9. H[an]nah, of Joseph & Kat. Joslin, & |
______ J[onat]han, of Jonn & Joanna Forbush bapt. |
___ 30. Francis, of Eliezer & Persis Rice, bapt. |
May 4. Damaris of Benj. & Tabitha How, bapt. |
^ yy had layd |
The Chh was Stayd & ^ The Desires of 5 Brethren of the |
before ym |
North side of ye Town to be dismissd, viz, Joshua Dowsing, |
Ephm Allen, Matthias Rice, Silas Fay, & Saml Allen __ (& |
ye Desire of John McAllister to have a Certificat __at the |
Same Time a Request was Read from 5 other Brethren |
of ye Same side of ye Town, for a Chh Meeting __ This |
was Seconded by Deac. Newton & Deac. Forbush__ So |
yt |