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__Chh – Records._ |
May 31. Anna, of Jonn & Hanh Grout, baptd |
Sacrt |
June 14. The Lords Supper was admind & |
Eli, of Elisha & Hannah Forbes, bapt. |
___ 21. Nahum, of Joseph & Ruth Har- |
_rington, was baptizd. |
28, Elisha, of Abijah & Susanna Gale, bapt. |
July 19. The Desires of Francis Whipple Esq. |
and his Wife, ^ they being removd to New Braintry, |
to be dismissd from us to ye Chh there;. |
___ of Eli Harrington, removd to Alsted, |
to be dismisd to ye Chh in that place; & |
____ of Sarah, wife of Rev. John Cushing, |
of Ashburnham, to be dismissd to the |
Chh there, were voted, & that they be each |
of ym recommended to those Chhs respectively |
NB This was, at ye Request of ye pastor, trans- |
acted by Rev. Elijah Fitch. |
Sacrt |
______ 26. The Lords Supper was admind |
Mary, the Wife of Joseph Keenes, |
ownd the Covt ____ |
Aug. 2. Her Children, Joseph, |
Mary, & Susanna, were baptizd. |
16. Anna, of Danl & Rebec. Stockwell, bapt. |
Ruth Buck, offerd Confessn of breackg |
the Seventh Commandmt and was restord. |
She was also admitted into full Communn |
Sept. 6. Francis Whipple (junr) |
& his Wife (Priscilla), were dismissd & |
Recommended to ye Chh in N. Braintry. |
Sacrt |
13. The Lords Supper admind |
Oct. 4. Phinehas, & Joanna, of John |
Forbes; and Lucy, of Isaac & Margery |
Parker, were baptizd. |
Oct. |