
    Then He asked whether there was

    not any Body that flung in any

    thing in there a/ct with Mr Rice

    seeng he was a poor Man ____

    he said No. Then sd Green told him

    he had seen Doctr Dana Brigham

    who said he Recd of D Hawes only

    30 f. for 50/10d  because they Concluded

    that Rice’s Poverty was Such that

    his Creditors Loose part of their Dues

    Deacon said many things to

    exculpale himself for the Ans:

    wers. he gave ye Selectmen ___

    The Chh after some Conversation

    Voted their Dissatisfaction of Deacn

    Hawes Conduct. in ye Same. Then

    Voted to adjourn the Meeting to the

    fifteenth Current 1 oC PM. ___ for

    the purpose of Settling the Diffi.

    -culty that if possible Relative to

    Deacon Hawes as Above---

    mentioned Represented in ye

    Above Conversation