__Chh Records.__ |
135 |
Nov. 2. Robert-Breck, of Stephen |
& Anne, Maynard, was baptizd. |
as were Lucy & Sarah, of Ezekiel |
& Ruth Smith. |
Nov. 6. The Chh met by adjournmt |
The Meeting was opend by Prayer __ and those |
passages in Ch. X of ye platform were read, |
wc shew the Power of ye Eldership & privileges |
of ye Brotherhood, together wth y Rules of a |
Chh- Meeting. |
The Bus’ness of ye Meeting |
was laid open -_ namely 1. to consider ye Request |
of Eunice Andrews to be admitted (as member |
of ye Chh in Ipsw. of wc &c) to transient Com- |
munion wth this. |
2. to see if ye Chh will |
not take some ^ more Special Care, than has been |
of late years, of ye Childn of ye Covt and of those |
wo have ownd ye Covt _______ |
1. As to ye First, viz Eunice Andrews’s Request, |
(wc was again |
____altho the Chh was adjournd on purpose to have |
read to ye |
the Woman present; & Brr Gale, as sent to her |
Chh) |
to notifie her, said he had done it; yet she |
was absent __ so yt we could not have her to |
ansr to her Petition __ It was also declard that |
she was designedly absent, & was gone a Jour- |
ney. It was also testifyd yt tho she had |
requested Commn with us, yet that ^ she wd |
^ she said |
not come, if her request was voted by |
ye Chh &c. upon the whole, after much De- |
bate concerning her, & the society she came |
from, it was put to vote, |
Whether her Petition shd be dismissd? |
It passd in ye Affirmve by a pritty full ma- |
jority. |
2. As to the other article, it was proposd |
to the Chh and urgd & pressd upon them |
__ Somewt was ansd __ But it was late ___ |
Prayer |