150. |
_Chh – Records. |
Dec. 23. Isaac & Margery Parker |
offerd their Confession of ye Sin of |
Fornication, & were restord to Cha- |
rity __ They also ownd ye Covt _____ |
Edward, of Moses & Lucy Sever, & |
Joel, of Isaac & Margery Parker_ |
bapt. |
1771. |
Jany 27. 1771. Asaph, of Thads |
& Hannah Warrin; & Prudence, |
of Elijah & Martha Hardy were baptizd. |
Feb. 24. The Chh was stopd after |
Exercise; and by a grt Majority |
Brady & |
voted, to use that Version of ye |
Tate’s Ver- |
Psalms which was Set forth by Dr |
sion voted |
Brady & Nahum Tate Esq. wth |
to be sung. |
the Addition of as many ^ of Dr |
Watts’s Hymns as can Conve- |
niently be obtaind. |
It was desird the if any body |
was on the Contrary & opposd it, |
Such wd stand up, but no one did. |
Three persons appeared not to Vote. |
Two of wc said they shd Vote if ye Con- |
gregation wd come in wth it. |
The third ansd yt he did not Vote, for |
he knew nothing about it; having |
never Seen one of ym in his Life. |
March 17. Jonathan Batherick |
& Abigail his Wife, were admitted |
into Chh Fellowship: as was likewise |
Abigail Parker, wife of Hannaniah |
Parker, having been dismissd from |
Sacrt |
Grafton. The Lords Supper was Admd |
Ruhumah, of Ebenr & Sarah Maynd bapt. |
& |