68. |
__Chh Records - |
Voted 2. That Two be the Number of |
Delegates upon this Occasion |
=== Then it was movd that the Chh choose |
by proxys, (meaning yrby written papers)__ |
and we attempted it, but those Brethren wo |
had the most Votes not having more than all |
others, we were obligd to try again wch |
^deferrd; & |
being it was the Lords Day and late Chh we ^ |
adjournd to Tuesday Next, at 2 pm. ____ |
Feb. 24. The Chh met by Adjournmt |
After Prayer Voted for Delegates to |
Serve in ye Council at Upton on March 13, |
next ensuing. Voted l. Br Francis Whip |
:ple the first Delegate. Voted 2. Deacon |
Newton the other. |
=== This Affair thus far accomplishd |
The pastor took this Oppty to Confer |
wth the Chh respecting what might be |
best to be done wth Cornelius Cook. |
The Chh debated and then came to a Resolve |
to Send a Commtee of Three Brethern to |
labour wth him still to see if he may |
be brought to any better Frame and |
Voted, 1. That Deac: Forbush be one, |
Voted 2. That Brr James Bradish be anor & |
Voted 3. That Brr James Bradish junr |
be the Third, to serve on that occasion. |
==After Prayer and ye Blessing the Chh |
Returnd home to yeir respective Homes.__ |
March 1. The Chh was conferrd wth to^uching ye admission |
of Grafton members to occasional Communion. ano of Brethn |
Spake yeir minds & ye rest seemd to Concur, yt being yy were just now |
upon ye very Business of Calling a Council on yeir Differences and |
Com: |