Chh - Records. |
81. |
of Assistance in ye Ordination of Mr James |
on ye occasion |
Wellman __ The Chh Voted Complyance |
of ye Ordinn |
wth it. But when ye No of Delegates was pro- |
of Mr Well- |
posd, there arose some Debate __ wc causd us |
-man |
to defer the Affair to Next Thursday___ |
_24. After Lecture, the Chh Stayd, & ^ pro- |
^ yre appearing |
ceeded to the Bus’ness abovesaid. |
an Earnest De- |
Voted, that Two be the Number of Delegates |
sire to have |
from this Chh to accompany the Pastor, in |
the Result of |
The ^ sd Ordn(of Mr James Wellman over ye Second |
ye late Council |
Chh of Cht in Sutton |
at Grafton |
Voted, That Brr S. Williams be the First. |
read, it was |
Voted, That Brr J. Miller be the other. |
read accly ___ |
===This being dispatchd, A Letter from ye Chh of |
And then, |
Cht in Narragansett No 2 ^ to this Chh re- |
^ of wc Mr Eli- |
questing Help, in Conjunction with Six Chhs more |
sha Marsh |
to sit in Council on ye 3d Wednesday of October |
is pastor, |
next, upon Difficultyes & Dissensions arisen there; |
was read __ but ye Pastor refusing to go, (there |
having been Some disagreemt between him & |
Said Mr Marsh) this Chh also refused to send. |
But ye Pastor acquainted ye Brethren that he |
Shd make Return for ^the regard yt had been shewn |
to us upon this Occasion. And then ye Chh was |
dismissd (as usual) with the Blessing. ______ |
___ |
27. Joseph Bowker was admitted into the |
Chh, and ye Sacrt of ye Lords Supper administd |
Sacrt_ |
Octob. 11. Hannah, of Saml & Margaret Forbush |
of Upton, baptized____ |
Nov. 1. Martha, of Elijah & Sarah Rice, bapt. |
_____ 8. The Lords Supper was administred ____ |
Sacrt |
NB Rev. Mr Rice of Sturbridge present, & |
preachd p.m. |
___ 22. Richard, of Richard & Eliz. Barns |
Ebenezer, of Ebenr & Amy Maynd bapt. |
Decr |