Bread which we break is it not the

    1 Cor:x.16.

    Communion of the Body of Christ broken for us?

    Rom: v,8.

    for while we were yet Sinners Cht. dyed for us.

    We Should have been consigned over to Suffer ye

    wrath of God yt was due to us for Sin; but God laid

    on him ye Iniquities of us all: for all we have gone

    astray like lost Sheep; every one turning to his


    own way But^ He has born our griefs & carried

    our Sorrows; He was wounded for our Transgres=

    :sions, he was bruised for our iniquities; ye Chastize

    :ment of our peace was upon him and with his

    Stripes we are healed.  He bore the Sins of many

    was numbered with transgressors; He made his Soul

    Isa: Liii.4,5,6,

    an offering for Sin, and poured out his Soul unto Death.


    Oh how he Lov’d us! And Behold wt manner of Love ys

    1 John, iii,1.

    Father hath manifasted to us to give his only begotten

    Son to die for us! __ Is there Such Love among men, as yt

    ^ being a righ

    a man Should die even for his Friend? But if for Such ^ one

    :teous & good

    would even dare to die yet while were Sinners & enemies


    Cht thought not his Life too dear for us and this com

    John xv, 13. comp

    :mendeth the Love of God to us. ___   xxxxxxxx.


    with Rom:v,7,8,10.

    And when he had broken it he gave it to his

    ^& Said unto ym

    Disciples ^ take eat this is my Body wch is broken for you.

    In like manner by the command of Cht, beloved

    I give this unto you. Receive Ye & Eat Ye all of ys

    Bread;__ (This is his Body which was broken for you on

    the Cross.) This Do, feeding on him by Faith & in an humble

    & Reverent, in a Loving, thankfull & Obedient Remembrance

    of Him . ___

    For the Cup.

    After the Same manr also he took ye Cup

    [  at the Same time taking hold of a Chalice, Tankard

    or Flaggon.] And having Separated it as ye Former He

    gave Thanks.

    Let us imitate so blessed a Pattern.

    # # # # # # # # # # #.

    And when our Lord had given Thanks he gave it

    to them saying This Cup us ye New Testament in my

    Blood which is Shed for many for ye Remission of Sins

    Drink ye all of it & This do ye as oft as ye Drink it in

    Remembrance of me.

    Which, as He gave it to his Disciples So, by his

    Special Warrant & Precept, Dearly Beloved in or Ld

    Jesus Cht, I give it unto you.  The Cup of Blessing

    1 Cor: x,16.

    which we bless is it not ye Communion of ye Blood of Cht?

    Receive Ye and Drink ye all of it with Devout and

    Suitable Affections; For as oft as ye drink it Ye do

    Shew Forth the Lords Death until he Come. ___

    After This they Sung an Hymn.  # # # # # #

    The Benediction; in these words

    following;  Now the God of Peace yt brought again

    from ye Dead or Ld J. Cht. that great Shepherd of ye Sheep

    in ye Blood of ye Everlasting Covent make you all perfect in every


    good way & work to do His will, working in you yt which Shall


    be well pleasing in his Sight this J. Cht to whom be


    glory in ye Chh thrò out all ages world wthout End. Amen.
