Bread which we break is it not the |
1 Cor:x.16. |
Communion of the Body of Christ broken for us? |
Rom: v,8. |
for while we were yet Sinners Cht. dyed for us. |
We Should have been consigned over to Suffer ye |
wrath of God yt was due to us for Sin; but God laid |
on him ye Iniquities of us all: for all we have gone |
astray like lost Sheep; every one turning to his |
^Surely |
own way But^ He has born our griefs & carried |
our Sorrows; He was wounded for our Transgres= |
:sions, he was bruised for our iniquities; ye Chastize |
:ment of our peace was upon him and with his |
Stripes we are healed. He bore the Sins of many |
was numbered with transgressors; He made his Soul |
Isa: Liii.4,5,6, |
an offering for Sin, and poured out his Soul unto Death. |
10,12. |
Oh how he Lov’d us! And Behold wt manner of Love ys |
1 John, iii,1. |
Father hath manifasted to us to give his only begotten |
Son to die for us! __ Is there Such Love among men, as yt |
^ being a righ |
a man Should die even for his Friend? But if for Such ^ one |
:teous & good |
would even dare to die yet while were Sinners & enemies |
man, |
Cht thought not his Life too dear for us and this com |
John xv, 13. comp |
:mendeth the Love of God to us. ___ xxxxxxxx. |
] |
with Rom:v,7,8,10. |
And when he had broken it he gave it to his |
^& Said unto ym |
Disciples ^ take eat this is my Body wch is broken for you. |
In like manner by the command of Cht, beloved |
I give this unto you. Receive Ye & Eat Ye all of ys |
Bread;__ (This is his Body which was broken for you on |
the Cross.) This Do, feeding on him by Faith & in an humble |
& Reverent, in a Loving, thankfull & Obedient Remembrance |
of Him . ___ |
For the Cup. |
After the Same manr also he took ye Cup |
[ at the Same time taking hold of a Chalice, Tankard |
or Flaggon.] And having Separated it as ye Former He |
gave Thanks. |
Let us imitate so blessed a Pattern. |
# # # # # # # # # # #. |
And when our Lord had given Thanks he gave it |
to them saying This Cup us ye New Testament in my |
Blood which is Shed for many for ye Remission of Sins |
Drink ye all of it & This do ye as oft as ye Drink it in |
Remembrance of me. |
Which, as He gave it to his Disciples So, by his |
Special Warrant & Precept, Dearly Beloved in or Ld |
Jesus Cht, I give it unto you. The Cup of Blessing |
1 Cor: x,16. |
which we bless is it not ye Communion of ye Blood of Cht? |
Receive Ye and Drink ye all of it with Devout and |
Suitable Affections; For as oft as ye drink it Ye do |
Shew Forth the Lords Death until he Come. ___ |
After This they Sung an Hymn. # # # # # # |
The Benediction; in these words |
following; Now the God of Peace yt brought again |
from ye Dead or Ld J. Cht. that great Shepherd of ye Sheep |
in ye Blood of ye Everlasting Covent make you all perfect in every |
Heb:xiii,20 |
good way & work to do His will, working in you yt which Shall |
21 |
be well pleasing in his Sight this J. Cht to whom be |
Eph:xxx,21. |
glory in ye Chh thrò out all ages world wthout End. Amen. |
The |