Chh Records |
249 |
concerning my conduct when |
Transacting business in behalf of Ado. |
-nijah Rice with the Select Men in |
which I have been supposed by many |
to have Transgressed the Truth ____ |
I Acknowledge myself out of ye |
way in Answering the Select Men |
when Asked by them whether I |
had paid ye whole face of a Note agt sd Reces Estate |
in favor of Doct Daniel Brigham. to which |
I hastely Replied in ye Affermative, whereas ye |
Cercumstances demanded a Negative, on |
account of which Affermative. I gave ye |
Select Men just Reason to suspect my |
Veracity, have exposed myself to ye |
Your Christian Resentment.___ am |
sorry therefor, & now ask Your for- |
-givness & Charity __ James Hawes |
which is put on file __ |
The Chh Voted to Accept the Above |
as satisfactory. then the Meeting |
was Dissolved |
Att Elijah Brigham Clk |