Records. |
57. |
June 15. Ephraim, of Josiah & Hassadiah Bowker |
baptizd by Rev. Mr Aaron Smith of Marlbo= |
:rough (being the first administration of a |
Special Ordinance wc he ever performd._)_ |
__ 22. Susanna, of John Rogers, baptized. |
Sacrt July 13. |
July 27. Susanna, of Jonn & Abig. Livermore bapt. |
Aug. 3. Lydia, of Joseph & Katharine Joslin, bapt. |
24. Sacramt was administred. ___ |
Sacrt |
31. Lydia, & Timothy, of Timothy & Lydia Fay, bapt. |
NB. A Fast was appointed ^ to be kept by this Chh & Congr |
^ wth ye Advice |
on ye Acct of ye Sore Judgmt of ye Throat Distemper. |
of ye Deacons |
and which accordingly was, on ye 4th of Septembr |
of ye Chh & |
Sept. 14. Elizabeth, of Thomas & Persis Goodenow & |
Select men |
Mary, of William & Margt Caruth |
bapt. |
of ye Town, |
21. Fortunatus, of Noah & Hannah Rice |
Ezekiel, of Bezaleel & Sarah Smith |
bapt. |
(Members of ye Chh of Shrewsbury) |
Oct. 5. Elizabeth, ye wife of Samuel Harrington |
was admitted into Chh Fellowship. |
12. Sacramt of ye Lords Supper administred. |
Sacrt |
Benjamin, of John & Rebecca Hicks, bapt. |
19. Ebenezer, of Ebenezer Chamberlain, bapt. |
Nov. 16. James Bradish junr admitted into ye Chh |
23. Matthias & Anna Rice were admitted into |
the Chh. & ye Lords supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
Jan. 4. Jacob, of Jacob & Hannah Rice, & |
Ruth, of Hezekiah & Rachel Pratt |
bapt. |
1741. |
Feb. 22. William, of Ebenr & Hannah Parkman |
baptized |
March 8. This was by appointment to have been |
Communion Day, but the Chh passd a Vote yt |
by Reason of ye unusual Difficulty of ye season |
(and the Small Number present) ye Administrn |
of the Lords Supper Should be deferrd untill |
the Next Lords Day. _____ |
March |