132. |
Chh – Records. |
Sacrt |
June 9. The Lords Supper administrd |
July 14. Amasa, of Cornels junr & Sarah |
Biglow, was baptiz’d. |
Sacrt |
28. The Sacrt ^ was admind ___ |
^ of the |
Aug. 4. Winslow, of Hananiah & Abigl parker, bapt. |
Lds Sup- |
___ 18. Ezra, of Saml & Eliz. Fay |
per |
& Amasa, of Joseph & Morse |
bapt. |
NB These last parents had ownd ye Covt |
at Hopkinton |
Sacrt |
Sept. 8. The Lords Supper was administrd |
___ 29. Samuel of Barachias & Zerv. Morse, bap. |
Oct. 6. Molly, of James & Mary Bowman, bap. |
John Cushing was admitted into full |
Communion with this Chh. |
Ordn at |
The Chh was Stayd to hear & act up- |
Westmr |
on a Letter from the Chh of Christ in |
^ containg |
Westminster ^ to assist in the |
Request |
Ordinn of Mr Asaph Rice, on Oct. 16th |
Voted Compliance with ye Request. |
Voted that Two be No of Delegates. |
Voted that Brr Danl Hardy be one. |
Voted that Brr Zebulun Rice be |
the other ___ The Blessing concluded. |
Sacrt |
Oct. 20. Administd ye Lords Supper. |
Nov. 10. Luther, of Ebr & Sarah Maynd bapt. |
___ 17. John, of Adonijah & Hanh Rice, bapt. |
NB. A Fast was proposd, on Considn of the |
present Distresses in ye Colonys; & Consented to. |
It was accordingly appointed ___ to be next |
Wednesday come Sennight. |
27. Was observd as a Fast in ys Parish. |
Rev. Mr Stone of Southb. prayd & preachd |
a.m. his Text was Ps. 96.10, 11, 12. |
Rev. Mr Sumner prayd & preachd p.m. his |
Text was Josh. 7. 13. The L. accept or offg! |
Dec. |