14. |
_Church____ |
^ remaining |
then Two Articles ^ one of Defamation; which |
being without any support, sunk of it self; |
The other Charging sd Newton with Speaking |
^ in saying yt |
falsely and injuriously ^; But the Chh voted |
He (vizt Newton) |
That They wd not meddle wth That Matter. |
had paid ye Con |
So Those Affairs finished. __________ |
:stable for Him (ye sd Rice) |
________________________________________________ |
Twice or Thrice; wch Rice & yt if He had not paid his Rates for him ye Constabl wd have |
denyd. Newton Said, He |
carryd him to |
Spake Thus, yt He had several Times paid ye Constable |
jail. wch Rice |
for him; wn except he had done so ye Constable would |
have carryd Him to jail for ought he knew. |
====== |
The Affair of Samuel Hardy came next |
^ it appeared yt |
under Cognizance. And ^ a great majority |
were for his Enjoying Priviledges; But 4 or |
^ some of ym |
5 offerd their Dissent, and ^ their Reasons. wch |
Reasons were referrd by ye Pastor to his own |
further Consideration. _________ |
The Meeting Then Concluded wth [-----]= |
:[-----], [-----------]. Prayers & Praises offered |
1728 |
unto God. _____ |
April 14. Jonathan & Lydia Goodenow |
and Rebecca (ye Wife of Simeon) Howard |
(this last person being dismiss d from ye Chh |
of Marlborò) were admitted into our |
Communion. ____ |
Sacramt |
The Sacrament of the Lords Supper |
was Celebrated. ___ |
Ithamar, ye Son of Jonathan |
& Lydia Goodenow was baptized. __ |
21. Nathaniel Oake ownd ye Covt & |
William his Son was baptized. _____ |
28. Elizabeth Daûter of Samuell |
& Tabitha Hardy (ye objections yt were from |
^ from its being |
Time to Time made ^ being obviated) was |
born 3 Dayes |
baptized. _____ |
under Seven |
May 19. Anna, Daûter of William |
(Solar) Months |
& Mary Coi (who had own’d the Covt |
at Framingham, & Submitted to the |
Discipline of our Church) was Bap |
: tized. |
Ephraim & Susanna Allen were ad= |
mitted |