Directories & Forms, |
of diverse Administrations. |
|==============================| |
I. |
The Celebration |
of the |
Dearly Beloved in or Lord Jesus Christ, |
Our most mercifull God & Compassio |
=nate Father knowing our infirmity, how |
prone we are to forget him, and ye Love He |
has manifested to us in ye bitter Sufferings |
of his Son for us; how destitute of Spiritual Life |
we are in our Selves; how weak our Graces, hath |
in his infinite Wisdom & abundant Goodness |
to us instituted visible Signs of Communion |
with us & commanded us in a pure heart, un |
:feignedly to come up thereunto. |
For |
Our Lord Jesus Christ that Same |
1 Cor: xi,23, |
night in which he was betrayed took Bread |
24. |
And having Separated it from a Common, to an |
extraordinary, a Spiritual and Sacramentall He |
bless’d it. ___ Agreeable to the Institution, Command |
and Example of Christ This Element [laying ye hand |
upon ye Bread or taking up ye Platter in which it is plac’d] |
otherwise ordinary & common is to be Separated to |
an holy use and sanctifyed to the holy Ends & purpo |
=ses of it by the words of institution and Prayer. |
1 Tim: iv, 5. |
Let us Pray. |
# # # # # # # # # # #. |
When Our Lord had bless’d the Bread, he broke it.__ |
[proceeding to the Breaking Say] And now the |
Bread |