58 |
__Church____ |
Sacrt |
March 15. The Sacramt administrd |
Apr. 5. Rachel, of Josiah & Ruhamah Newton |
Kezia, of Josiah & Thankfull Rice, & |
bapt. |
Paul, of Cornelius & Mary Bigloe |
12. Elijah, of Jedidiah & Abigail How & |
Elizabeth, of Benjamin & Jane Lawrence. |
bapt. |
Sacrt |
26. The Lords Supper administred ____ |
May. 3 Eli, of Nathl & Mary Whitney |
Sarah, of Beriah & Mary Rice |
bapt. |
May 31. Levi, of Jonah & Elizabeth Warrin |
David, of Gershom & Hannah Fay & |
bapt. |
David, of David jr & Ann Maynard |
June 7. Ruth, of Stephen & Ruth Fay, bapt. |
28. David & Dinah Goodenow offerd an |
acknowledgmt to ye Chh for their Neglect ___ |
[crossed out word] of ye Ordce of Baptism. and of ye |
public worship in Genl for wc yy freely askd for |
givss of God & of ye Chh. Upon wc yy were restord. |
And their son Jonathan was baptized. |
= |
There having been Complaint against Cornelius |
Cook for undue Conduct and Language; and no suf |
^ improvd as |
:ficient Methods ^ to transact this affair in ye Chh |
yet |
his wife Eunice desird baptism for her Child |
and it was accordingly granted wth express Men |
:tion that it was upon the Right of ye Mother. |
The Name, Sarah. ________ |
July 26. Benjamin and Martha Fay were ad= |
=mitted into ye Chh ___ |
Sacrt |
The Lords Supper was administred & |
Elizabeth, of Benjamin & Martha Fay, bapt. |
X |
_28. Seth, of Danl junr & Hannah Warrin |
was baptiz’d__ This was at ye House of said |
Warrin, ye Child being exceeding week & feeble |
and in grt Danger of Death. And a Number of ye |
Members of Westboro & Shrewsbury Chh were |
present, wo were advising & concurring in the |
Administration NB The Said Child dyd the |
next Day after it was baptizd ____ |
Aug. |