1746. Chh=Records. Viz. of ye 1st Chh in Westb. |
May 18. Jonas Child, Sarah Forbush (the |
wife of (Capt.) Samuel Forbush) & Sibil |
wife of (ye foresaid) Jonas Child, were admitted |
into Chh Fellowship. |
___25. The Lords Supper was asministd |
Sacrt |
__June 1. Jonas & Isaac, of Jonas & Sibil |
Child, were baptized. __________ |
___ 15. Mercy of John & Mercy Chamberlin |
was baptized. |
___ 29. Ruth, of Josiah & Thankf. Rice, bapt |
July 13. Joseph, of Phin. & Prudence Hardy, bapt. |
The Lords Supper having been administerd |
Sacrt |
the Same Day ______ |
___ 27. Mary, of Edward & Persis Baker, bapt. |
Aug. 17. The ^ Chh was stoppd to acquaint ym wth |
^ Brethren |
ye Desires of a No of ye Sisters of ye Chh wo dwell |
of ye |
in ye North part of ye Town to be dismissd. viz |
Tabitha Eager, Mary Halloway, Rebecca Hayward, |
Margt McAllister, Abigail Livermore, Mercy Dow- |
-sing, Hannah Fay, Anna Rice, Bethiah Brigham, |
Dinah Goodenow, Jemima Caruth, Sarah Billing. |
But Since it was not improbable yt yre wd be some |
Debate - this affair was put off till next Thursday af- |
ter Lecture. _____ |
21. The Brethren of ye Chh were detaind upon the |
Sisters |
Requests of ye Sisters above mentiond; and after |
were dismissd |
Some debate, yy were granted, but wth ys proviso yt yre |
be something inserted in their Dismissions touching |
yeir Delinquency wc we have observd of late, wth an |
Exhortn & Caution ^ to ym respecting ye Time to Come. _____ |
24. The sacrt of ye Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
Sept. 14. Aaron, of Wm & Sarah Pierce, baptizd. |
Oct. 5. The Lords Supper was administred |
Sacrt |
& |