_Chh  Records ______


    Decr 18  Chh met according  to

    adjournment. Opend the Meeting the

    Buseness is to Admonish Br D Adams

    . But the meeting being very thin

    & Br Adam not present Voted to

    adjourn the Meeting. to the 1st of Jany

    next at one ofClock P.M. for said

    purpose. and the Clerk Notify & request

    _Brother Adams to Attend_____

    Also on Request Voted the Desmession

    of Mindwell Entweshill from this

    Chh, & Recommendation to the Chh

    of Christ in Northfield ______



    Jany 1st 1787. Chh met According to

    Adjournment Meeting was Opened

    the Business to Deal with Br Daniel

    Adams as an Offender by way of ___

    Admonition.   the Admonition being

    prepared was Read and Accpted by ye

    Chh. Br Adams not present.  Voted

    there be a Committee to present a Copy

    and that Deacon Benja Wood

    and .

    Deacon James Hawes   be a Committee

    for that purpose ___  Copy of said Admo

    - nition is on file.