___Chh Records._ |
121. |
Janry 3. 1762. Thankfull, Dauter of |
1762. |
Danl & Mary Forbes; and |
Ephraim, Son of Artemas & Marry Bruce, baptd |
And Lucy Baldwin^ Wife of Jeduthun |
^heretofore |
Baldwin, having desird Dismission to ye |
Parkman, |
Chh in Brookfield, wr of Rev. Mr Eli Forbes |
now |
is Pastor, her Request was voted. |
Feb. 14. Lucy, of Moses & Persis Warrin, bapt. |
28. Sally, of Joseph & Martha Baker, bapt. |
March 14. Lydia, of Solomon & Sarah Baker, bapt. |
____ 21. Barnabas, of James & Eliz. Miller, bapt. |
as was Martha, of John Pratt, who had ownd |
ye Covt at Hopkinton. |
_____ The same Day ye LordSupper was admind |
Sacrt |
28. Jesse, of Ebenr Maynard, baptizd. ____ |
Apr. 11. David, of Jonas & Persis Brigham, bapt. |
May 2. Barnabas & Eunice Newton, |
appearing before the Assembly, con- |
fessd the sin of Fornication, & ownd the |
Covenant; they were by vote of ye Chh |
restord to Charity, & their Child, Hannah |
was baptiz’d. |
May 9. The Sacrt of ye Lds Supper admind |
Sacrt |
16. David, of Barachias & Zerviah, Morse, bapt. |
June 20. The Lords Supper was administrd |
Sacrt |
A Letter from ye first Chh in Shrewsbury |
Ordinn |
requesting ye Assistce of this Chh in ye Ordinn |
at Shrewsb. |
of Mr Joseph Sumner, on ye 23 instant_ read_ |
The Chh Voted Complyance ___ |
That Two be ye No of ye Delegates __ |
That Brr Whitney be one ___ |
That Deacon Bond be ye Other. |
__were dismissd with ye Blessing. _______ |
27. |