10. |
Church_ |
The Same Day Hannah ye wife of |
Thomas Forbush junr was admitted |
into our Communion. _________ |
11 |
1728. |
Jan: 7. I detained the Brethren of ye |
Chh to receive the Answers of those per |
:sons the Chh had elected to be Deacons |
thereof. I accordingly proceeded to Desire ym |
^wt yy had |
to Deliver ^ [------] to ye Chh. Mr Fay said yt |
to offer |
“If the Brethren of ye Chh had Chosen him to be |
a Deacon he accepted of it & would Serve ym |
Notwithstanding if the Chh had seen meet to meet |
pitch upon some other person he should have been |
heartily Glad.”__ Mr Tomlin spake to ys purpose |
“That This Chh having elected him, he was not |
^Divine |
against Serving ym in the office, for he saw ^ pro- |
:vidence brought him into it. [But he added] |
Without the Brethren wd drop him” ___ (for he had |
much Sollicited to be releas’d) __ I Then appoint |
:ed ye 11th Day to be a Chh meeting upon ye matter |
of introducing them into their office. ______ |
4th Chh meet |
11. The Chh gathered together & We were |
:ing |
Entertained with a Discourse touching ye me |
:thod and manner of introducing Deacons |
into their office: from Acts 6, 6. Which Dis- |
:course having been heard, The matter was |
Left to ye Chh’s Consideration, wt method we |
^Elect |
Should take. The Deacons ^ in ye Mean time |
were requested to take ye care of the Business as |
yy had hitherto done.__ Mr Tomlin made some |
opposition Agst a formal ordination tho he was |
not ^un willing to Serve ye Chh, as it was usuall and |
Customary in some other Chhs about us.___ But |
Mr Fay chose to take ye matter into maturer Thought |
and requested his Brother Tomlin to do ye Like.__ |
As we opend ye Meeting with Prayer we closed it yrwth __ |
21. Nathaniel Whitney & Mary |
his Wife, & Thomas Bruce were ad |
:mitted into our Fellowship. _____ |
28. Hezekiah Tomlin was bap- |
:tized and admitted into our Fellow |
:ship.___ |
Sacrt |
Feb: 4. The Sacramt of the Lords Sup- |
.per was celebrated. |
March 10. Timothy, Son of Josiah & |
Elizabeth Newton was baptized. ____ |
5- |