62. |
_Church__ |
Sacrt |
Nov. 29. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Dec: 20. Sarah, of Saml & Eliz. Harrington |
Sarah, of Danl & Abigl Forbush |
bapt. |
1742. |
Jan. 17. Sylvanus, of Abner & Vashti Newton, bapt. |
24. Mary Green made a profession & |
was baptizd. _______ |
Feb. 14. Rebecca, of Daniel & Marsha Warrin, bapt. |
Sacrt |
> March 14. The Lords Supper was administred. |
_______ 28. Joseph, of Samuel jr & Deliv. Fay, bapt. |
Apr. 11. Persis, of Jesse & Bethiah Brigham, bapt. |
____ 18. Nathaniel. of Nathl & Kezia Oake, bap. |
23. Lords Supper administred. |
Letter from |
After ye Lectr Apr. 22. the Chh was stop’d |
Rutland |
and a Letter from Rutland Chh was read re= |
For a Council. |
:questing we wd assist in Council on ye 27. upon ye |
great Affair of dismissing yeir Pastor. |
Voted 1. To comply wth ye request ___ |
2. That Two Delegates be ye no to go from ye Chh |
3. That Brr Thos Forbush be one. & |
______4. That Brr Abijah Bruce be ye other. |
Sacrt |
Apr. 25. The Lords Supper was admin ___ |
May 23. Damaris of Josiah & Hassad: Bowker bap. |
30. Samuel Williams & Abigl his wife |
Beriah Rice, Danl & Mary Stone & |
Sarah Bellows were admitted into |
the Chh. |
Sacrt |
June 6. The Lords Supper was administred. |
PM. Joseph, of Timothy & Rebec. Warrin, bapt. |
___ 13. Ephraim, of John & Jemima Caruth, bapt. |
___ 20. Mary, of Hezek. & Rachel Pratt, bapt |
by Mr Cushing in my absence |
_____________________________________July_ |
> |
Joanna, of Jonn & Joanna Forb. |
bapt. |
>Feb. 28. Francis, of Francis & Abig. Whipple bapt. |