March |
197 |
20. |
The Chh met According to Adjournmt |
1783 |
being derectly after the Services of an |
Occasional Fast – called for the purpose of |
imploring direction from Heaven in the |
Choice of a Minister ___ |
The Business ^ is to consider the perticulars as |
drawn up by a Committee as Reasons why |
the Chh would not comply with Br Danll Adams |
Request of Dismission and Recommendation to |
the Chh of Christ in Hopkinton ____ |
Read and Accepted by a Vote of the Chh |
2ly Voted there be a Committee to present the |
same to Br Danll Adams. and Converse with |
him on the subject. . that ye Number be 3 |
Br Elijah Brigham |
Br Abijah Gale |
Br Jos: Harrington |
3ly Voted the Meeting be Dessolved ___ |