16. |
__Church__ |
Sacramt |
October 6. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper |
was administred. Before which Sarah Ball (wife |
of James Ball) was admitted into or Communion. |
________ 27. Ebenezer Hayward was |
baptized. _____ |
November. 7. (Being Genl Thanksgiving) James and |
Sarah Miller were admitted into our Com |
:munion____ |
___________ 17. Deliverance, Daûter of Increase |
Ward, and Moses, Son of Daniel Warrin were bap |
:tized. ____ The Sacrament of ye Lords Supper ^was hav= |
Sacramt |
:ing been administered this Day also _____________ |
December 8. Seth Rice and Dorothy his |
wife own’d ye Covenant; and Persis, their Daû |
:ter, was Baptized. _____ |
__________ 22. Abigail, Daûter Edward |
& Persis Baker, was Baptized. ______ |
1729. |
January 12. Kezia Maynard was |
admitted into our Communion. |
_________ 26. Lucy (The Daûter of William |
& Mary Holloway) & Daniel (ye Son of |
James & Lydia Fay) were Baptized. ____ |
February. 9. Ruth (Dauter of Samuel Fay junr |
and Deliverance) was Baptized. |
& |
*Benjamin Thurston was admitted into our |
Communion _______ |
_________ 23. Daniel Hardy & Vashti |
his wife were admitted into our Commn |
Sacramt |
And the Sacrament of ye Lords Supper |
was administered. _____ |
March 23. Artemas, Son of Ha: |
:bijah & Mary Bruce, was (by the |
Rev Mr Cushing of Shrewsbury, in my |
Confinement) Baptized. _______ |
April 20. Abigail, dauter of Nathan & |
Mary Ball, was Baptized. ____ |
May |