94. |
Chh – Records. |
June 6. Eli, of Jonas & Persis Brig- |
ham, and Mindwell, of Saml & Margt |
Forbush (this last of Upton) were baptized |
by the Rev. Mr Eli Forbush; being ye first |
Children wc he baptizd. NB His ordinn was |
the last Wednesday, ye 3d Instant. and the |
Same It was gave him ye Charge in Hopkinton. |
Sacrt |
July 5. The Lords Supper was administred. |
19. Jonathan, of Ebenr & Emma Maynard, |
Aug. 9. Nathan, of Robert & |
bapt. |
Claffland, who had ownd ye Covt in |
Hopk. was bapt. by Rev. Eli Forbush |
New Stile. |
Sept. 24. New Stile, Lydia, of Samuel & |
Elizabeth Harrington, was baptizd. |
Oct. 15. Daniel, of Danl & Martha Warrin |
Sacrt |
___ 22. The Lords Supper administd |
bapt. |
Nov. 5. Lucy, of Benj. & Martha Fay, bapt. |
Eunice Allen, heretofore Pratt, was dismissd to |
ye Chh of Cht in Grafton. |
The Pastor read a Letter of his to ye Chh for |
their Thought upon it & Concurrence if yy |
shd think fit; ye sd Letter being a Reply to |
a letter of |
Messrs Josiah Haynes & Saml Dakin of Sudbury |
dated last March 26. It was desird to have |
Time for Consideration |
30. It having been proposd ye last Lords |
Day that the persons who stand propounded [___] |
^ namely |
Chh Communion ^ be admitted to Day, they were |
Moses & |
admitted accordingly, it being Lecture Day |
Persis |
And Amy Mainard wife of Ebenr Maynd |
Warrin |
being Dismissd from the South Chh in Shrews- |
bury, was admitted likewise. |
The Brethren also voted that they were |
Satisfyd in the Pastors having desird Brr |
Edds |