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_Chh – Records. |
May 19. Richard, of Thos & Martha |
Temple, & Silas of Constantine & |
Jemima Hardy, were baptizd. |
====== The Chh was detaind, & a Pa- |
per signd by Levi & Beborah Warrin |
& dated Apr. 30, was communicated. |
Then it was put to vote |
^ wth those |
Whether ye Chh was satisfyd ^ and |
persons |
were willing yy shd enjoy special |
Privileges? it passd in ye Affirmative. |
26. Noadiah, of Saml & Eliz. Fay, bapt. |
June 2. Levi Warrin, & Deborah |
his Wife were admitted into Church |
Fellowship, and Olive their Daûter |
was baptiz’d. |
12. The Chh was Stayd to consider whe- |
ther it was not necessary to have more per- |
sons to lead in the singing. |
Voted to have more. ____ But the Choice |
of ye persons was deferrd; willing yt ye Congre |
gation Shd have some Voice in this matter. |
16. Solomon & Jemima Woods |
confessd the Sin of Fornication. They |
were restord to Charity; ownd the Covt |
& their Child, Jonas, was baptizd. |
Sacrt |
NB The Lords Supper had been admind also. |
27. The Chh were Stopd after LectƐ |
to young people, according to ap- |
pointmt on last Lords Day, to |
choose a No of those wo are to lead |
in ye Singing: and that we might |
have peace & Harmony, ye Chh |
condescended that the Congregations, |
Males, of ye Age of 21 Years, might |
have Liberty to join wth ym therein. |
Ac- |