some immoralities in him should not |
at present be admitted to Baptism on acc |
ount of his Mother; or in other words that she |
should not present him for Baptism.__ |
1804 |
Lords Day the Church tarried after divine |
Novr 18 |
service and heard a Letter from Deacon |
Brigham disiring on account of weakness |
and infirmity to be excused from the |
further service as a Deacon: and requestin |
g that another might be chosen in his room. |
Whereupon the Church Voted to postpone |
the further consideration of the business |
of the Letter till Thanksgiving day which |
is to be this year the Twenty Ninth of |
this Month |
29 |
Thanksgiving Day the Church tarried |
after the blessing according to adjourn |
ment and Voted to proceed to the choice |
of a Deacon to officiate in the room and |
stead of Deacon Brigham at our next |
1805. |
Lecture. |
Febry 6 |
Lecture the Church tarried after divine |
service but on account of the season |
of the Year, and the thinness of the Lectu |
re Voted to postpone the choice of a |
Deacon still further to our next Lecture. |
April 10 |
Lecture the Church tarried after the |
blessing according to adjournment. and |
Voted at this time to proceed to the |
choice of a Deacon in the room of Dea |
con Brigham. __ |
__ |
__ __ _ |
___ |
2 Voted that Brother Daniel Chamberlain |
be the Deacon. __ |
___ |
________ |
NB The number of Votes brought in |
were Twenty six of which Brother Dani |
el Chamberlain had Sixteen, Brother Benj |
amin Fay Junr Four, Brother Elijah |
Brigham Three, and Brother Joseph |
Joseph Harrington Three leaving |
Brother Chamberlain a Majority of |
Six.__ He not signifying at this |
time his acceptance the Church gave |
him to the next Lecture to consider of it. __ |