30. |
___Church___ |
in order to his Joining wth other Chtians in |
laying the Foundation of a Chh is Hassene |
:misco. |
His request was Voted and yt he |
Shd be recommended to ye work before him. |
1732. |
Feb. 13,1732.Josiah, ye Son of John & Hannah |
Fay was Baptized. |
_____ 20. Joseph, son of Aaron & Heph= |
:zibah Hardy, was baptized. |
_____ 27. Silas, Son of Jonathan and |
Abigail Livermore; & Joseph, Son of |
Thomas & Lydia Warrin, were baptiz’d. |
Sacramt |
March 12. The Sacramt of ye Lords Supper administrd |
Apr. 9. Amos, Son of Nathl & Mary Whitney, was baptizd |
May. 16. Cornelius, of Cornelius & Eunice Cook bapt. |
_____ 23. Dinah of David & Dinah Goodenow bapt. |
May. 7. Abigail, Dauter of ____ & Hannah Upham, Member |
of Malden Chh ___ was Baptized. |
Sacramt |
_____ 14. Sacrament was administred. |
_____ 21. Samuel, of Samuel & |
Harrington bapt. |
Sacramt |
July 9. The Lords Supper was administred. & |
Joseph son of James & Damaris Bradish was baptized |
Simeon Hayward own’d ye Covent & his |
Son Samuel was baptized. ________ |
______ 23. Mary, Dauter of Samuel & Margt Gamel |
was baptized. ______ |
Chh __ |
Aug. 10. The Chh came together at ye Request |
meeting |
of Peres Rice, who desir’d he might plead ye Cause |
before the Chh wch Josiah Newton had commencd |
against him in ye Civil Law, for False Speaking. |
After Prayr The Request was opend to ye Chh |
and in ansr Josiah Newton producd a Coppy of |
wt had been transacted in ye Justice’s Court & |
Sign’d by Nahum Ward Esqr the said Justice before |
whom it had been heard. Upon our attempt to |
hear ye Cause it was found yt ye witnesses Sworn & |
improvd in ye Justice’s Court were not at meeting ___ |
the |