__Records.___ |
43. |
July 4. Joseph of Edward & Persis Baker, |
Sarah & |
baptizd |
Thankfull of Palatiah & Sarah Rice, |
by Rev. |
Nathaniel Longley, of Ebenezr Chamberlain Mr Stone |
of Southb. |
____ 11. Eliezer Rice & Hezekiah Pratt, ownd ye Covt |
& Eleazar How (of Marlb.) Rachel (wife of Hezek.) |
Pratt, Persis (wife of Eliezr) Rice, and Silas and |
Mindwell Brigham, were admitted into the |
Chh Fellowship. |
The Same Day also |
Dinah & Silas, of Eliezr & Persis Rice, & baptizd |
Rachel, of Hezekiah & Rachel Pratt, |
_____ 18. Josiah Russell & Mercy his wife offerd |
Confessions of ye Sin of Violating ye 7th Comt & were |
restord and they were likewise admitted into or Com |
:munion: as were Noah Rice & Stephen Fay, at |
ye Same Time. Then ye Sacramt of ye L. Supper |
Sacramt |
was administred. |
Aug: 15. Jesse Brigham & Bethiah his wife |
ownd ye Covt and ye Same Day |
Nathan of Jonn & Abigail Livermore |
Timothy, of Jesse & Bethiah Brigham |
Mary & |
Martha |
of Thomas & Lydia Warrin baptizd |
& John, of Stephen & Ruth Fay, |
29. John Dantforth & Anna Rice were admitted |
into our Communion ___ & ye Same Day ye Sacramt of the |
Sacramt |
Lords Supper was administred _________ |
Sept. 5. Hannah & Josiah, of Josiah & Mercy ___ |
Russell, were baptized _____ |
12. Francis, of Benj. & Eliz. Winchester, bapt. Oct. |