___Chh - Records.___ |
73. |
yt one ^ a meeting was accly appted _ viz next Wednesday, at |
2 p.m. at the Old Meeting House. __________ |
=======May 7. The Chh met accg to appointmt and |
after Prayer the Chh were Exhorted to Consider |
With grt Seriousness, the follg Things ___ |
First, Gods great Mercy to us in bringing |
us into a Chh State, and his glors patience and |
Goodness in Continuing us to this Day. |
Secondly, That we ought to bewail our |
unfaithfss. to God & to one another |
under our high & holy Character, & under |
our Sacred Obligations. _________ manifest in, |
1.) Our Unfruitfss __ Deadness, Carnality |
& worldly-mindedness. |
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