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Chh Records |
.Then Two of the Member Viz Deacon |
Bond & Br Danll Hardy withdrew. |
because it was Objected agt their Voting |
for the Reason as it was said of their |
not being Town Inhabitants ___ |
.Now 32 Members present & the |
Moderator calls for the Votes for a |
Pastor. & after many things being |
said. Votes were brot in. and ___ |
18 for Mr Adoniram Judson & [the] |
& Accordingly it was declared by the |
Moderator that the Chh had made |
Choice of Mr Adoniram Judson for |
their Pastor ____ Majority 4____ |
Then 3d Voted there be a Committee of |
three Viz Br Samuel Forbush |
Br Jona Grout ____ & |
Br Ebenr Chamberlain Jur |
To wait on the Select Men with a Copy |
of the foregoing Votes Relative to Mr |
Adoniram Judson. & Request. that they |
call a Town Meeting to see if the |
Town will concur with the Chh |
in giving Mr Adoniram Judson a Call |
to Settle with them in the Work |
of the Ministry ___ ___ |
________ ___ |
Then the Chh Attend to Concerns of |
an adjournment made Sept 3 Relative |
to Br Danl Adams |