
    that the Conference be after Lecture

    Wednesday s’enight – if it will comp

    -ort with Mr Judson business ____

    5 Voted that the meeting be Adjourned

    to next Wednesday s’enight 24th Currant

    3 oClock P.M. for the purpose of

    Transacting the business of this their

    meeting as set forth in the Notifiction

    which to was for the purpose of trying

    the minds of the Chh in giving Mr

    Judson:: a Call to Settle in the Worke of ye Ministry __

    March 24. the Chh met According to Adjour.

    - nment. Revd Moderator Mr Sumner

    Present. Meeting was Opend by

    Prayer __

    1 Voted to proceed to make ^ Choice of a Candidate

    for a minester. . _____

    2. Voted that Mr Adoniram Judson.

    be invited to settle with them in

    the work of the ministry

    30 members present 22 for


