Chh – Records. |
91 |
Nov. 24. The Lords supper was administred ___ |
Sacrt |
p.m. The Chh stopd & Letters read from some aggrie- |
ved Brethren of ye Chh in Sudbury under ye pastoral |
Sudbury |
care of ye Rev. Mr Loring ___ but nothing further done. |
Letter. |
Dec. 1. Antipas, of Stephen & Thankfull Maynd bapt. |
___ 22. Rachel, of Zebulun & Abigl Rice, & |
Anna, of Daniel & Garfield bapt. |
___ 29. The Chh was stopd, & a Letter ^ from |
^ was read, |
the Chh in Holliston requesting or Asstce |
Council |
in Council there, Jan 8. next, there being |
at Holliston. |
contentions between Two of their Brethren |
(namely Capt. Ephm Littlefield & Danl |
Millen) which yr ^ own Endeavrs were unsuc- |
cessfull to heal. ___ But there was no |
vote. It was found yre was some unea- |
siness among orselves ___ & yrfore it was |
deferrd till next Lords Day, proposg |
to use means to remove wt obstruction |
there was now in ye way. |
The Chh was dismissd wth ye Blessing. |
=== Jan. 5. 1752 The Chh was stopd, and |
1752 |
the obstruction to the proceeding last Lords Day |
being remov’d the ^ Holliston Letter, was again |
^ request |
proposd & Complyance voted. ___ |
in ye |
Voted yt yre be two Delegates. |
Voted yt Mr Taintar be ye first ___ & |
___ yt Brr Baker be ye other. |
concluded wth ye Blessing. ___ |
___ 12. Mary, of Francis & Abigl Whipple, bapt. |
Feb. 2. The Chh was stop’d & ye Result |
of ye late Council at Holliston was read. |
& like wise ye Desire of Eliezr Rice to have |
a Chh meeting, to hear ^ wt he has to lay |
^ & act, if |
before |
ye See Cause, |
on |