Chh Records |
221 |
Then Voted their be a Committee of |
Seven to go and talk with those |
Brethren who are in the half way |
Relation (so called by some) for their |
neglect of Duty in not coming to the |
Ordenance of the Supper ___ And that |
Br Joseph Baker |
Br Abijah Gale |
Br Joseph Harrington |
Br Saml Forbush |
Br David Batherick |
Br Jonas Brigham and |
Br Ebenr Chamberlain Jur be a |
Committee for that purpose ______ |
And furthermore that they enquire |
of Barnabas Newton for a breach of |
Sabbath by servile Labor as is |
Reported __ Likewise of Benja Warren |
for profane swearing. both of whom |
are in covenant ___ |
Then Appointed a Chh Meeting |
to be on the 22 of Novr next at 2 oClk |
P.M. to hear the Report of the |
aforesaid Committees |