__Records.___ |
7. |
Phinehas their Son & Abigail their Daût |
:er were baptized. ______ |
October 5. The Church was called |
2d Chh meeting. |
together (a Second Time) to either con |
firm their Choice of Deacons made |
in February 1725; or make a new |
Election; & to Consider the want of |
Sufficient vassels to carry on the or- |
:derly Celebration of the Eucharist. |
The meeting was opened with Pray- |
:er to the Supream Bishop of the |
Chh for Divine Direction & Conduct |
1727 |
in the Affair undertaken. The Address |
ended, the Ends propos’d were declar |
:ed; but Examining into the numbres |
present & Comparing them wth those |
yt were not with us, we found there |
was but a minor Part of the Church |
__wrfore |
Considering with all, the Importance of |
Every Such Matter in a Church (as hath |
reference to its officers) any proceeding |
to the Bus’ness mainly design’d, was by |
every one declin’d. and Since there must |
be a new Appointment the other matter |
abovemention’d was likewise defer’d |
to another Opportunity, after it was |
Somewt discours’d about. So yt having |
again Supplicated [--] Benediction from |
God & appointed our Re-assembling on |
this Day Se’nnight the meeting conclud |
:ed. _____ Care was taken that as our |
Bus’ness was put off and another meeting ap- |
:pointed meerly because there was not a |
major Part of the Chh, & so ^ all those that |
^ so |
are absent Should be du^ely notifyed and |
urged to attend ye next meeting.___ |
Oct: |
2 |